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Old 04-09-2017, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Christians in Egypt seem to have often had problems with violence against them. Christianity in Egypt - Wikipedia

How do we stop ISIL or ISIS? My guess is go after their leaders. Cut off the heads and hope three more do not grow back. Fight their propaganda with the truth about how these groups destroy lives and take the human rights away from so many. Give minorities opportunities in the cities-- like the Somalians in the Twin Cities-- so that they are not attracted to radical Islam zealots on the Internet.
WHERE do the leaders come from? The people who follow them. To stop an must destroy the enemy completely. You don't "win their hearts and minds", they will hate you...their children will hate you...forever. Ask the Israeli's.

To stop the Islamic re-invasion of Europe...Europe needs to end Islam. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be new leaders...ALWAYS be new enemies.

Sorry ladies...we're not all going to live peacefully together.