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Old 04-12-2017, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why did you opt to go to Costa Rica in the first place? I mean you say it was expensive there, and then you spent 50K in Florida...this is sounding a lot like the $100 donation to the zoo's charity...Or am I missing something?

Your share? Is there a limit on how much, or less, you can help the needy? Do you say "I gave that street bum $10 last week for food, he looks hungry again, but I already gave my share"?
Or, possibly you explain to the street bum that you just spent a lot of money on the spouse's teeth, so you can't help him this week, but your not going to lose any sleep over it...

By the way; I believe you mentioned your terrific health care insurance in another thread, do you not have coverage for serious medical issues that require surgery?? Maybe you meant to say your insurance paid 50K...
Wrong again.

I'm not going to even bother correcting your ignorance, but if you did a little research you would find that there are a number of 'medical' issues...that are only covered by very specific dental insurance.

So sorry to expose your ignorance and nosiness again...but you'll just have to live with it.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:.