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Old 04-12-2017, 10:34 AM
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Default It is not my job to defend trump but

Originally Posted by Guest
My 26 year 224 613 Project is bi-partisan. At least I have tried to make it that way especially since we have had Presidents of both the Republican and Democrat variety during that time.

My problem is that I do not trust Donald John Trump because of his long history of lying, multiple lawsuits against him, alleged sexual assaults and sexual harassment and the stench of scandal. You bring in the Russians as well and I am running for cover.
Our press is mostly controlled by progressive, liberals.
Trump truly does not get a fair shake. The term is of course undefined so it is in the eye of the beholder.

The FACTS are truly interesting. According to my reading in the late 1960's the major news sources were controlled by 49 companies. Today it is down to 5 four of them are progressive liberal and only FOX leans right. DISNEY owns many of our news sources. There is nothing I can do about that EXCEPT TO MAKE YOU AWARE. The OWNERS will declare they do not control the news BUT, if disney owns your company what is the likely hood that they will run a story or allow you to run a story on say stock manipulation, salaries of management compared to the average worker etc. NEWS-is what you vote on.

It is a far fewer number who are aware of TRUMP and Key Largo. Key largo was bought by Trump-cheap. He got it cheap not because he stole it but because it was unwanted. OTHERS DID NOT SEE THE POTENTIAL.
Trump bought it to establish a key club gold resort for the wealthy. You paid a fee to become a member. The fee was high. Trump profited due to people who, people who wanted to prove they had the wealth to belong. The surrounding area wanted TRUMP to make it no Jews and no Blacks to get it licensed. There is sadly a long history of such private clubs excluding Jews, blacks and women for that matter, although i don't think they had asked for that-just jews and blacks. TRUMP, RISKING HIS OWN MONEY, REFUSED. Do you not see a pattern, if your news sources did not think this worth reporting-NO NEED FOR YOU TO KNOW.

As to Trump and lawsuits-once again your source of information doe not think you need to know.

it is true that Trump has been involved in hundreds of lawsuits. From what I've read well over 80% of them involved gambling debts and Vegas law requires it be settled in court.

As to not trusting Trump. TRUTH there are very few people I trust and frankly as I get older people have not changed just that due to experience there are very few people I trust. In most cases, my trust is that I listen to what they have said AND THEN CHECK IT FOR MYSELF.
Do you or did you Trust, Obama, Hillary etc. Hell, I trusted O Reilly and I grew up with Bill Cosby's TV family.