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Old 04-13-2017, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I sure hope and wish that someday a voice comes to you (separate from those you already hear) and announces loud and clear how damn stupid you and your little friends sound.

You are not funny....not convincing....not accurate....not even immersed in the real world. Not sure what your motive is but seems to be to get attention. Interrupting threads with your message of hate is not a very....well, human thing to do.

You and your ilk are far more more guilty of all the sins of character that you seem to charge others.

You better hope that when you meet your maker, or even your next surgeon, that he is not of any color except for your white color.

Your obscenities remind me of kids in eighth grade who liked to talk like that, and ALL the girls thought they were stupid and ignorant. (and still do)
Excellent post.

I wish just for a minute, that I had a black belt in Karate or was really good at boxing and martial arts and was a big, young, strong, man. (I have never wished any of this before) and I further wish I could just beat the crap out of these nasty, ugly, stupid, ****heads that just keep trying to make me and everyone else this mad. WHAT is the point for trying to be so enraging? I bet they haven't anything good about them at all.

Grace Gantner.