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Old 04-15-2017, 04:59 AM
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Why would the Trump administration not make the White House Visitors Log Available? Hmmm

Couldn't be because every psycho in America has threatened the life of Trump, his family and/or anyone wearing a Trump sweatshirt or Make America Great Again hat or in any way or fashion connected to Trump,his family or Business.

Couldn't be because Trump recognizes the press continues to spin a false and vicious narrative about Trump the man, the businessman, the president, the husband,his family, his friends and his supporters.

Couldn't be because the radical progressives (Obama holdovers) still in Washington continue to act like a virus that infects a computer to stop Trump's agenda

Couldn't be that Trump is concerned that there have been so many leaks, again Obama holdovers that he has a concern for security.

Oh you say Obama made the log available for public scrutiny. Hmm but the fine print at the bottom left him the right to chose what names became public and what names remained private. Besides Obama adoration by the press would always provide cover.
I mean who other than the press would spin a story that a dignitary and great statesman such as Al Sharpton graced the White House on several occasions.

Trump Derangement Syndrome appears to have the same staying power as Lyme disease . I suspect to hear shortly from CNN that even though the logs have gone dark one of their reporters can confirm unequivocally that Putin has been visiting the White House in secret for weeks now.

Personal Best Regards: