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Old 04-21-2017, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Wow, someone that admits that they wasted their day standing in line to vote for Mickey Mouse. You must be pretty bored to waste time in order to throw away your vote. I bet you really showed Trump, didn't you?.... If you dislike him so much, you should have voted for Hillary. At least you could then admit that you are a liberal instead of masquerading as a conservative. Either way, still a loser.

Hey, no big deal. Everyone needs a laugh once in a while. Thanks.
How long does this poster celebrate in advance the DEATH of a candidate he/she does not like ? How long does an animal like this be allowed on this or any forum ?

It has been said that the Trump campaign generated HATE. Many examples on here, but this particular poster MDLNB is a perfect example.

Not being FOR anything, in fact not knowing anything at all except hate is just not normal.