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Old 04-21-2017, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
I feel bad for his victims and their families. I feel bad for his family and friends. I feel bad for the life he threw away by bad decisions, both by his suicide and his actions that got him there. I feel anger that four people have died over a spilled drink. I feel anger that schools, families, friends, fans put athletes on such a pedestal that they feel that not only are they above the law but can commit murder and get away with it. Was some of his behavior caused by brain damage? Steroid use? Hopefully, autopsies of his body and brain will answer those questions a little. We'll never get the answers to what parts of his society caused his actions. How many inexcusable acts were excused by his school, coaches, teachers, fellow students, LEOs simply because he was a great athlete?

I'm sorry he committed suicide. He may have turned his life around in prison -- become someone who could be used as an example of what not to do. Mercury Morris did that. So did Michael Vick. OJ didn't. They all came from the Projects. They all were great athletes. They all committed serious crimes. I don't know about Morris or Vick or Henderson, I do know about Simpson. Any and all behavior he did in junior high, high school and college was excused because he needed to train or play. I know that his mother once grounded him for shoplifting and his coach came to their house and demanded he play that weekend (and, of course, attend the team party). How do these men become more than thugs with examples like that? Henderson was 100% wrong in his actions. So was society. So, while I'm angry with what he did, I'll always think of him with sadness.
Well said, as always.
It is better to laugh than to cry.