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Old 04-23-2017, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know Bucco. THAT is the reason that few take you seriously. You jump, you leap, you catapult to your own obsessions. Your own opinions and you are so wordy.

I think that there is a valid reason to see that all funded research is warranted. I said NOTHING about valid research did I? About Cancer research, about Genetic research, about good, solid research done by solid facilities about important issues.

The Government of the United State wastes a hell of a lot of money. That is the reason I see this administration rethinking the wall and just continue to see that the laws about immigration are enforced. That is working very well and Trump doesn't seem to mind abandoning one plan if another works better.

I really believe that for the first time in a long time, this administration is trying to lock down on wasteful spending.

We will see. My guess is as good as yours.
He is making a cut to NIH.....NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH...this is the source for much of the cancer research in our country.

His cuts are not as defined as yo want everyone to believe. He did not pick and choose. He just slashed the NIH which has nothing to do global warning.

As to immigration.....when he began to spout off in the primary, there was legislation one going to improve security at the border and have immigration reform.

Your hero mocked was bi partisan by the way, and has destroyed that movement forever.

As far as nobody taking me seriously, I realize that you and Rubicon think you have all the information that matters..,,I realize you believe you two own the moral compass....I realize you two post on here and present FACTS...I realize I should be learning from you, and I apologize for the disrespect I give to you and Rubicon for posting FACTS and current information, which is accurate and up to date.

You two are really up to date and smart, and as you say...I am just stupid and know very little.