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Old 04-23-2017, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
Neanderthal DNA IS what MAKES us WHITE. Asians have some too but more of another that escapes me now.

Blacks come from a different ancestral line.

From your own link:

"Europeans and Asians carry with them a small portion of DNA inherited from Neanderthals—while Africans do not."

"With the advent of gene sequencing, scientists have found that many animal species regularly interbreed. It's easy for any safari tourist to tell the difference between olive baboons and yellow baboons that live in Kenya, for example. And yet the two species regularly produce hybrids in the places where their species overlap, and they've been doing it for a long time."

"Within a single so-called race, people varied in color, height, and facial features"

But ONLY within the WHITE race is there this variation. ONLY whites have different colored hair...ALL the others have dark hair, dark brown or black. ONLY whites have different colored eyes...ALL the others have brown. Why? Why are the other races so homogeneous in looks and whites are so varied.

Mien Fuhrer - I am so pleased to learn you survived the double shot in the bunker (a frequent golfing occurrence in The Villages). Are you still living with Eva Peron? (I just love that musical, don't you?)

Don' screw with me when it comes to science, Einstein. Based on what I know about genetics I'd say your family background involves many very close generations of familial bonding. You are no more superior to 97% of whites than Ivan the ape from the Atlanta zoo - and he is dead.

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