Thread: So predictable
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Old 04-26-2017, 03:17 PM
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Default So predictable

Aren't we all getting tired of the same old mantras from politicians?

Today, the White House announced the outline of their tax plan.

Shortly thereafter, Senate Minority Schumer leader comes out with a statement saying that they'll listen to what the republicans have to say, but if it's a plan that gives huge breaks to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, they'll oppose it.

We pretty should all know by now that whatever the plan is, the democrats will claim that it's tax breaks for the wealthy and the evil big corporations. They have no interest in what best for the American public, they only repeat their mantra hoping that the lemmings will listen and follow along. The only way that they can win anything is to create the big bad bogie man and convince some people that they are fighting against the big corporations and the wealthy. They make the ridiculous case that if the wealthy pay less, the poor and middle class will pay more.

One of the first things that I heard about this new plan is that the standard deduction for a married couple goes from $12,000 to $24,000 and I'd be in the 10% tax bracket.

That would mean that I'd pay a lot less in taxes. If big corporations and wealthy people pay less, it doesn't affect me. As long as I pay less.

Then of course some people look at the economy as a zero sum game and that if we pay a lower percentage of our income and corporate profits to the government, the government will get less money.

These people have the idea that the only way to provide government services is for the government to take a bigger piece of the pie. The conservative idea is to make the pie bigger and have the government take a smaller piece which would be larger then the big piece of the small pie that they were taking.

I really hope that the administration can get this through and I think they will because they are talking about reconciliation which would mean that Schumer and his won't be needed.