Thread: So predictable
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Old 04-26-2017, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are one of the ones that doesn't get it. We cut taxes, people have more money to spend. Businesses do better. We lower corporate taxes and businesses can compete on a global basis and keep operations here in the US and hire more people. More people working spend more money, pay more taxes and demand more services and products. Businesses have to produce more and hire more people.

The more people working the more people are paying taxes. The more profits companies make, including the small Mom and Pop operations, the more taxes they pay.

In every instance where taxes were lowered from Warren Harding to Jon F Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, when taxes were lowered, revenues to the government increased.

The pie gets bigger. The government gets a smaller percentage of a bigger pie equating to more revenue. It's not a zero sum game.

The democrats strategy has always been to divide and conquer. They blame the wealthy for everything and try to convince the working people that if only the rich weren't so rich, we'd all be better off. That strategy is finally beginning to fail which is why we have president Donald Trump, a republican majority in both houses of congress and 33 republican and one independent governors.

The poor and middle class are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been taken advantage of by the people who were claiming to help them.'s NOT a zero sum game...they get to borrow and print over a $ trillion a year to keep their insanity going.

The government gets nearly half of everything sold because taxes are added to taxes that are added to even more taxes. Every step of it's production is taxed.