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Old 04-28-2017, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That was IN SPITE of Obama. What did he do to change anything for the positive? Nothing, is the correct answer. The economy was the slowest to respond in history. The recession had the slowest rebound in history of recessions and depressions. Obama was a hindrance, not a positive factor.
Obama has the record for being the ONLY president to NEVER have a 3% year average GDP growth during his tenure.
If you want more statistics on how poor the economy STILL is, I suggest a little reading at some of the government sites.
To coin a REPUBLICAN phrase...YOU LIE!

GHW Bush 2.1
B Clinton 3.8
GW Bush 1.6
B Obama 1.2

Jeb Bush says tax policies of George W. Bush 'created a dynamic effect of high growth' | PolitiFact

Maybe we should have had Bill as the First Man! The economy might have turned around!!!