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Old 04-30-2017, 04:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Using the constitution as a literal blueprint for running our country makes about as much sense as using the Bible literally to guide our lives. Both documents served their purposes at their times but the times they have been changing. I view constitutional adherents in the same vane as bible thumping fundamentalists. Outdated and irrelevant in our complicated and non homogeneous world.
Using your comparison I would then say human beings have gotten themselves in deep trouble over the centuries because they ignored the lessons in the Bible. While one can argue as to the source of the Ten Commandments and the Bible they are excellent guides . I do not believe that ethics or morality and basic human principle change with the times. The Ten Commandments are as relevant today as they were when Moses walked down the mountain with them.

I believe Justice Antonin Scalia's position as to the US Constitution was spot on.

Succinctly stated, people fail when they forget or ignore the basics.

This nation's internal problems can be traced to the fact that the politicians or Judges ignored the wording of the Constitution to ave it fit their political agenda.

Before an electricians begins his work instruction dictate turn off the electricity and a plumber to turn off the water. ignore those instruction at your own peril.

Government is too big because politicians and judges politically ignored the wording of our Articles of Freedom. Such as while all men are created equal didn't mean politicians must provide equal outcomes, etc.

Personal Best Regards: