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Old 04-30-2017, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He has and continues to destroy the faith in the words of our President. The trust in the White House is simply eroding.

And I suggest you is not just Democrats and LIberals.
You're right, it's not just the left. Some of those of the extreme right believe that he's not conservative enough just as some on on the extreme left didn't support President Obama for not being liberal enough.

But right now his approval rating is rising and his disapproval rating is dropping, if you can believe polls. Of course these are the same polls that predicted there was a less than 15% that he would be elected, so who knows what to believe?

Right now, according to Gallup, his disapproval is 51%. You have to factor a certain number of those are on the right that think that he should be more conservative. Many of those are disappointed that he didn't get the ACA repealed or that the wall hasn't been built by now. some of his supporters, just as President Obama's supporters have an un realistic view of how fast things can be accomplished.

His approval rating is at 43% which leaves about 6% of those polled who have no opinion.

I expect that as the economy continues to grow and more, good paying jobs are created, as the ACA gets dismantled and the wall gets built, you'll see a lot of those on the right get on his side. Also we'll have to see where those 6% come down.