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Old 04-30-2017, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Any time I hear "progressives support" or "conservatives support"
I always think, "Do all progressives think exactly the same way?

Are their conservatives who are racists? Of course there are. But that mean that all conservatives are racist.

Are there some extremist on the liberal side that that want to see us become a socialist or communist society? No doubt, but does that small number of extremist represent the majority of liberals? I doubt it.

I think that y ou'll find that most people fall a bit right or a bit left of center. When people get into arguments about which way the country should go they tend t point to the extremists on the other side and try to make the case that they are all like this.

It's nonsense. If we can stop being so angry and stop trying to make bogey men out of people that disagree with us, we might someday get somewhere.
I agree with your statement and should have qualified it by saying some, etc. However it seems to me more conservatives speak up to the views with which they disagree. To wit the first attempt at the new health bill failed because of internal disagreement between and among Republicans.............

On the other hand progressives who disagree with progressive policy remain silent . Silence is interpreted as agreement. if some progressives believed, for example, that overtures toward Cuba were wrong then why not speak up, Why? because with progressives its "party first" However with Republicans its "country first"

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