Thread: Fox News
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Old 05-01-2017, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why do you feel that calling Smith what he is, to be a slur? Are you suggesting that calling someone gay is a bad thing? Are you a bigot? Smith IS gay and he is a liberal. What part do you disagree with? Of course, maybe you feel that anything anyone says is a slur if you do not agree with it. I apologize to my gay friends on here if I am not up on the latest terminology when describing a homosexual. A while back, if I was to call him a queer, it would offend someone. If I called him a fag, it would offend, and many folks would confuse it with the term used for a cigarette. Sorry if I upset you Rocky. Perhaps if I said, a non-straight sexual participant, liberal that would be OK? Perhaps it is not me that has bad mouthed someone, but you?
The answer to your question is its a matter of the right to passage. A black dude such as a rapper can use the "n"word but if a white person uses it even watch out for the Al Sharpton brigade because its coming after you.

Same applies to gay if it comes from a conservative be ready for the backlash. such is the state of our union.

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