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Old 05-01-2017, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So, in short the answer is "YES."

Sounds like a bunch of juveniles, but hey if you all want to play your teenie bopper games, go for it. Different strokes for different folks as they say. Sounds like you sensitive types take this stuff seriously. Tough to have a discussion when all the teenage girls on here insist on crying have calling names.

I guess to some, this is considered entertainment. It's become kind of tedious. Maybe it's time for them to shut it down until the next election cycle. Just my thought on it, not necessarily a suggestion. I really don't care, just like I do not care about any of your personal problems. Just wish you kids would find some other forum to play in. Maybe the local high school facebook site?
Well, since you need to persist in this.....

You friend GracieGirl is the person who solicited help with being terribly harassed by another, and I tried to help.

Since then rumors, and I have no facts that I am able to share, that she has done the same kind of things regarding folks she either does not like or whatever.

I am sure she is happy that you continue to dig at this for your little girl reasons.

I say no more because I respect promises I have made, but keep truely are a sick and not bright person.