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Old 05-04-2017, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yea, your right "Let me state this clearly". "You can keep your insurance if you want to".......... "We are going to get those "fat cats" om Wall Street. Wait unless of course until they offer me $400,000 speaking gigs

Every time Obama moves his lips he is lying

Personal Best Regards:
How many of those people got better health insurance than they had before? They had garbage plans that wasn't worth a damn. How many of those people are still complaining? How many of the people that now have affordable health insurance are screaming, because they may lose it?

How did Dodd/Frank help Wall Street? It must have, because a Republicans committee just passed a bill to modify it. We all know that it is much harder on Wall Street, because Trump said that he was going after Wall Street. The only way Trump is going after Wall Street is if someone tells him that there is a woman's crouch at the end of that rainbow.

Obama always lies, but Trump doesn't, because the words coming out of his mouth are alternative facts. Why would you want to wiretap Trump? The only thing that you would come away with, is the man operating without a clue, and that is clear by the words coming out of his mouth.

How do you believe someone that states, "I don't stand by anything." He has two different views of a subject in the same paragraph.

There are 50 million anchor babies. Somebody isn't very good at math. I am sorry. I forgot. We are now dealing in alternative facts.