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Old 05-07-2017, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Racist Boy Baldwin
If they ALL jumped off a bridge...would you?

Why should he? Is there a law that says he must? It's probably too complicated to understand anyway. EVERY deduction imaginable is in there...I'm sure.

Why don't you worry about something important instead of "Kardashian" type things. The IRS is satisfied with his should you.

Worry about the changing face, the changing demographics of America...the coming Hispanic majority that will change everything. Something that matters to the country.

I bet you'd fight him if he announced he was deporting ALL the illegal Hispanics including anchor babies... Would you? If given the opportunity to save America...white America...would you? Or would you fight for our destruction? Or...for them to stay and eventually become the majority? Turning America into a 3rd world Mexico II.

Have you BEEN to the border towns...the places that are already a majority Hispanic...have you SEEN what they're like? THAT is America in 30 years. You refuse to visit MLK Blvd to see the 99% of you refuse to visit the border towns to see the 99% of Hispanics?
You're as you are racist.

The IRS doesn't bother with the questions that need to be asked from a conflict of interest perspective...when it comes to being POTUS.

That you're not even smart enough to understand that, is illuminating as to how much your simpleton-minded racist hate...has warped your mind.

Deepest Sincere Wishes: