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Old 05-10-2017, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please get your facts straight.

The LEFT, as you refer to them, did NOT demand his resignation.

Only one I can think of is Harry Reid who specifically did not call for him to leave until pressed.

THEY DID express dissatisfaction with his decision making but it is quite a stretch to say that the LEFT called for any dismissal.

Listen, I and many others have problems with Comey, but his reputation is impeccable relative to withstanding political pressure.

He stood against George Bush along with Ashcroft on the Bush admin wanting to continue eavesdropping under intense pressure. If you recall his famous visit to Ashcroft in the hospital.

He has always been praised by both sides as a man who follows the facts, not matter the political landscape. He definitly, under the FBI rules spoke out of turn on Clinton, by the way, praised and lauded by President Trump and his followers, and he has explained his reasons for doing so.

If you read editorial writings by conservatives and even the Presidents own words, you find him lauded for being a man who does not bend to political pressure.

Both sides have criticized him, but your characterization is just that....YOUR characterization.

I sure hope that we now do not spend days damaging a mans reputation on behalf of Trump. That always seems to be the case.
Isn't there a saying something like....look who is calling the pot black.....or any other innuendo toward hypocritical, double standard behavior......very laughable actually.