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Old 05-13-2017, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why wouldn't anyone argue that Comey was rewarded for overstepping his job? The Republicans were upset when Comey let Hillary off the hook. The Democrats were upset when Comey reopened the matter in late October. Whether he was fired or left on the job, both could argue he was rewarded for his actions by keeping his job. He was fired because of the Russian investigation. Trump can't dance around that one.

Your description of maturity is priceless. It describes Trump to a tee. He is the three year old that never grew up. Sadly his voters couldn't see what he really is, or never looked in the first place.
I think the more likely answer to your last paragraph, is the fact that most of his voters really did know that he's a lying, immature and petulant man-child...but they didn't/don't care.

Their hate of Hillary, was much stronger than their love of this country and any concern of having a POTUS...that isn't an embarrassment to the rest of the world.