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Old 05-15-2017, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I only voted for Hillary Clinton as she seemed to be the lesser of the two evils that were offered by the major political parties. But there were many Republicans running against Trump in the primaries I might have voted for if the Republican base had been realistic about the abilities of Donald John Trump to weld political power. He is the worst President I can think of in the history of the United States. A real threat to our democracy and its continuance. No respect for the US Constitution at all.
Either that is a stupid comment or just plain ignorant. To suggest that a FELON is the better of the two. To suggest that a TRAITOR is the better of the two. A person that held a high position in gov and took advantage of it by breaking multiple felonies and got a blatant pass by a corrupt administration, is just either ignorant of facts or just plain STUPID. That is the lesser of two evils?

Trump has been accused of being a Russian spy by the left. NO evidence whatsoever, but that is the ONLY idea that comes from the left for the next campaign. WOW! The left is cannibalizing itself and has nearly destroyed the Democrat party. My condolences.