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Old 05-19-2017, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
“I just choose to not listen”: why Trump supporters are tuning out the scandals - Vox

Stephen Fry Explains Why Some People Believe Everything Donald Trump Says | HuffPost

Revisiting why incompetents think they’re awesome | Ars Technica

I guess it shows why many, if not most, Trumpsters actually believe in him, what he says:both versions, and why it really does not matter to them. They are happy to see the Presidency in ANYONE but a black American, a Democrat, and someone who actually is a Constitutional scholar

The Ars Technica scientific paper is an excellent piece of logical social and psychological work that does explain why those who blame others: religions, races, sexes (including those in the LGBTQ community), are especially prone to their insistence of their own illogical reasoning: subsequent comments will bring that to light. Those comments, which have been in many of the posts in this forum are consistent, illogical, and prove beyond a shadow of doubt, their total incompetence regarding law, logic, society, and humanity: thus proving the paper's main theme.

Attachment 68714
YOU should be happy to have ANYONE but a BLACK as president. Name me ONE successful country run by a black. Obama ran up $10 TRILLION in debt...hardly successful. Obama ALLOWED the Hispanics to become the majority of children born and registering for school. The inner cities have never been more dangerous. Obama is right up there with Lincoln and Johnson when it comes to destroyers of "America". These was all MAJOR transitions...that ultimately do more damage than good.