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Old 05-20-2017, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So tell me just what and whom do you believe?

Explain to the forum why you have the higher moral ground?

Explain why Fast & Furious, IRS Targeting Scandal, Benghazi, Hillary's Personal e-mail server and her Charitable Foundation, Loretta Lynch's meeting with Clinton on an airport tarmac, the criminal acts of unmasking and leaking classified information concerning Trump and his staff do not warrant special investigations?

Based on the facts that are KNOWN NOW each of these situation involves criminal activity but name one news outlet, except FOX, or any progressive that has demanded such investigations be undertaken.

And then when you are finished with this task then explain why the progressive platform has been so good for America? Include in your response the rationale as to why the American people rejected the progressive platform in 2016?

Succinctly stated sir, explain the progressive hypocrisy and what gives progressives the right to claim the higher moral ground .

Sir,we await your reply.

Personal Best Regards:
Clinton was investigated to the hilt by many committees in Congress and they did not find anything. This was during a Republican held Congress if I recall correctly. GOP Congress will continue to pursue Clinton email investigation - CBS News She is also not the issue. Donald John Trump is. And this man lied all throughout his campaign and still lies continuously.