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Old 05-20-2017, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Black Man Praised After Slapping White Woman For Calling Him A Ni**er

"Take a kid from every race and put them in a room together and they will all play with one another you till their parents tell them not to.”

No...actually they won't...the white kids will play together, the black kids will play together, the asians...etc.

We live in a world where people have no respect for their fellow humans, now she wants play victim, I don’t feel pity for racist, racism is evil, I don’t believe in hitting women but her being a woman is no excuse for her racism.”

Humans...the operative word? ARE they human is the real question...and the answer is NO they are not. Negros are 2-5% genetically different than the other races. They come from a different ancestral line. Our family tree and their family tree diverged long ago. We are 2-5% genetically different from chimpanzees too. They are NOT "us"...close but no cigar.

Guess which race wrote this can TELL without even seeing them...just by the way they speak.

We're doing the equivalent of demanding that EVERY place of business, every school, every government agency...hires a certain number of dogs...because dogs are people.

WHY do you think they are NEVER as a people successful...anywhere? WHY are they ALWAYS at the rock bottom of any given society? Explain it to SAY they're me...WHERE. Show me the black MIT, the black villages, the black equivalent of the white countries.