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Old 05-21-2017, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So now I'm an undocumented worker?

Yep, you really are a (albeit, basically an impotent and harmless)...desperate goofball & nut job.

As for the 'rules' here, are you too ignorant to have figured out by now from the posts of your other right-wingnut's...that this is an unmoderated forum?

Unlike your attempts at taking personal shots in the other forums, whereby you've had your hand slapped...and posts deleted.

PS. Can you prove you were born here? If you so.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
I didn't say you were undocumented I said it would be something if you were, you Big League Deflector. Another sign of being unfamiliar with the English language. Your far away from the border in Florida.

Post deleted? Did you cry to the teacher? Normally people like yourself can dish but can't take the return on their own. Your a phoney from jump street.