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Old 05-22-2017, 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Several moons ago I was a college student at a well known Midwest
Big Ten University. I had a few so called conservative professors and more so called liberal professors. Nothing much has changed. By both, I learned to think for myself. I found too far left or two far right didn't make sense to me. You can be a Democrat and be conservative about certain issues and you can be Republican and be liberal about certain issues. A stupid uneducated person is one who only looks at issues with tunnel vision. Lots of those types around.
Exactly. You speak to the problem. Once the politicians fit nicely into a bell curve. We had blue dog democrats liberal republicans but they all had one thing in common they were more patriotic and overall had sight of the bigger picture.

In today's political world the Democratic Party is dominated by fascist progressives whose only agenda is total federal/state government control

these fascist progressive are succeeding because they control the public unions and our educational institution from Kindergarten to post grad work. Just look at the public unions platform and look at the curriculum in schools, colleges and universities across the country.

Personal Best Regards: