Thread: Eye for an eye
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Old 05-24-2017, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10
No comparison, CNM. A drunk driver or even a group of drunk drivers are unlikely to take over the world with their madness. Now a terrorist, or group thereof, is a whole different matter. That is exactly what they hope to do. Comparing the two, and the overall destruction that they can cause to mankind, is not even close.
Actually, taking emotion out of the equation and only applying logic...the comparison is very valid.

What it really comes down to, is that bigoted hatred is driving the fear of being killed by a terrorist...not common sense.

And as far as "taking over the world," that is simply an attempt (and a poor one at that) justifying that bigotry and hatred.

At least be honest and ask yourself, "why am I so much more afraid of being killed by a Muslim terrorist, than by that which is thousands of times more likely to kill me or my family/friends?"

When you (and others) answer that'll see the real issue.

And since there is absolutely no chance of 'taking over the world,' the primary goal of these terrorists is to scare people and to make them see their despicable actions in a manner...that is far beyond the actual threat.

Toward that goal, they are succeeding beyond even their own wildest dreams.

I, for one, refuse to run scared and instead will continue to support fighting them with every available legal means...but will continue to concentrate on those things that are actually most likely to harm me or my family.

Originally Posted by Abby10
And the likelihood of being killed by a terrorist appears to be growing each day. We can't just sit back and cite statistics, and the idea that we can "talk" to these lunatics and work things out is just insane. Although I don't necessarily agree with nuking anything, I do believe the OP is sincere in his passion to take some kind of action. I applaud him for caring so deeply. Obviously from his post, he is former military. Thank you, OP, for your service.
I agree that for the extremists, no amount of trying to "talk to them" will succeed.

Therein is the definition of 'extremists/fanatics.'

What we have to do however, is to show the other 1.5 BILLION Muslims that we will not hold them accountable for the actions of a few of their most extreme and despicable members...and will not let hate & bigotry consume the rest of us.

Hopefully, there are still enough of us who have the intelligence, ethics and do that.

Which sometimes...seems to be a struggle.