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Old 05-27-2017, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Former Obama CIA chief John Brennan in testimony offered NO evidence of Trump campaign cooperation with Russian intelligence. Instead he spoke of CIA fears that Russia would try and recruit, blackmail/ trick Trump colleague into being wittingly or unwittingly agents of influence. This is a realistic fear. But it is not collusion.

The Washington Post wrote details of an alleged e-mail exchange showing liberals trusting in then Attorney General Loretta Lynch to corral an inquiry into Hillary Clinton's e-mail practices..........................
Holman Jenkins, WSJ 5/27/17

This is a long article but the bottom line is now it is beginning to look like Russian Intelligence planted all of this leaving egg on everyone's face including our intelligence community

That's a big gotcha ya

Personal Best Ragards:
I bet the Russians love to laugh at the libtards more than we do. I used to feel sorry for libtards, but they claim to be so educated, but they are definitely so naive and simpleminded.