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Old 05-30-2017, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
RUBICON is using, or plagiarizing a site called CONSTITUTION.COM. It appears to be extremely hard right wing, in fact I found this as one assessment...

"Notes: The Constitution is an online political news and opinion source. The Constitution has over the top right wing bias and is not very factual. There are questionable undertones regarding race relations with a strong nationalistic view. Requires fact checking."

This comes from a dubious site, to me anyway, but it seems to be accurate in at least most cases. That website where this assessment comes from is

It is difficult to track down a lot on websites like this but if you visit it, you will find a very very hard right extreme website.

The US Constitution

One look at the home page of this site and you know you are in alt right territory for sure.

The author.....Onan Coca

Onan is the Editor-in-Chief at Romulus Marketing. He's also the managing editor at, and the managing partner at Onan is a graduate of Liberty University (2003) and earned his M.Ed. at Western Governors University in 2012. Onan lives in Atlanta with his wife and their three wonderful children. You can find his writing all over the web.

You can find his writings at sites like LibertyAlliance...EagleRising...FreedomOutpost, and others but you get the picture.....this is not a mainstream center site nor are their writers.....EXTREME is the word I have heard and seen in speaking of these sites.

I did try to examine the actual content of the writings and that is tough actually from these extreme websites because they traditionally use very old studies or do the studies them selves but most are simply headline kind of things with no wheels or they would get more traction.

The website is the only place this information can be found.

So, I thought why not look into immigration in Sweden. If you recall, our President sort of came down hard on Sweden in one of his early morning twitter rants. I offer this as a continuation and reaction to his tweets on Sweden. I offer this little always Trump based his criticism on nothing much more than a video he saw...

"this is the crux of the debate. How real are the problems in Sweden? Are they worse than anywhere else (say, the US)? Were they caused by immigrants and refugees?

The documentary that Trump watched brief clips from is deliberately incendiary.

They continue to give the REAL facts and this link gives great detail on what is happening in Sweden and it surely has nothing about that Rubicon posted study from 2013 where Morocaans were lying about age and sex. Not perfect but not Trumpese...

The Swedish migrant crime story that Donald Trump didn't tell

Then thought would add this link which is a more current look at Sweden....

Swedish immigration is not out of control – it’s actually getting more restrictive | The Independent

Bottom line....Rubicon plagiarized an extreme website on the list of Alt right sites and certainly not main stream by any stretch of any imagination.

The links between writer and websites take you to the extreme right wing.....the die hard Tea Party folks for example.

The facts presented are WAY WAY WAY over stated and basically after reading other links, simply not true.

When people do this...plagiarize....then just run away from any discussion, they act as TROLLS..."troll
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

Would love to discuss anything with Rubicon but he needs to leave the alt right extreme reading, most of which you can read on the Russian sites...that is where he got his recent goings about Obama wiretapping everyone...they were pushing that hard.

And he has to get his feet on the ground and face reality...he is extreme in his thinking...not even close to center, so those he hates so much and blames so much are closer to center than he could ever be
Your "Sweden now" link was so full of doublespeak and garbage...I didn't even finish it. It's a propaganda piece meant to quiet the people down as they slowly lose their culture and country like we are here to invaders.

Lets take a look...

"The reality of violence against women and gay people within certain immigrant groups poses a persistent challenge to Swedish authorities.

Certain groups of immigrants are also over-represented in crime statistics but these groups overwhelmingly come from socially and economically marginalised suburbs, such as Rosengård in Malmö and Rinkeby in Stockholm which have “very high” unemployment rates. Schools in these immigrant-majority suburbs drastically lag behind those in wealthier areas in terms of student achievement.

Read more

Immigrants have benefited Sweden, says former US ambassador

Some Muslim communities in Sweden do call for separate Sharia laws but others have explicitly rejected such claims because they want to be integrated into Swedish society, legally as well as culturally."

Rapes and beatings...committed by the refugees in the refugee areas.

Refugees causing trouble in the areas where the refugees live. The ghetto.

Gee really? High unemployment? Don't know the language, customs...and thinks you're an infidel who deserves to die...whats not to like?

They need shop b0mb making! They'd get all As in that. Again, they don't know the language, how are they supposed to learn anything?

These people aren't Swedes, they're not GOING to be Swedes...ever. They're not a benefit...they never will be...if enough of them come and have enough babies...they'll breed the Swedes out like Hispanics are doing here. Whites and western civilization will be essentially gone.

This last one...

"Some Muslim communities in Sweden do call for separate Sharia laws but others have explicitly rejected such claims because they want to be integrated into Swedish society, legally as well as culturally."

It's the funniest one of all...they WANT to become a LEGAL member of Swedish society...until they ARE a legal member...then they want separate everything including laws.

Back to the subject at hand...

WHAT WAS INCORRECT at any of those sites?