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Old 06-02-2017, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Those have to be the most ignorant, moronic, self-serving and delusional statements...I have seen here yet.

I realize denial runs rampant with the Chump Cultists...bit this is beyond bizarre.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Thanks for your comment

I NOW, albeit I am the last to know, and on the list with you where she has made a judgement, not on facts, but on whatever and now will attack.

The inability or desire to know anything but profess as if she knows everything is a real treat to behold.

I have been lectured a lot in my life, many times with great justification, but to have someone object to criticizing hypocrisy or lying is sort of a shock to me.

Ok...been attacked by the lady who feels she is in charge......I feel honored as many have felt her wrath....she favors lying, hypocrisy, and low moral standards...she feels that whatever is good for her IS NOT good for you.

But I feel good that others have been warned of my terrible habit of attacking hypocrisy and lying. Not sure why I feel proud.

What was funny to me is that person she was replying to I know, not personally, but from on here over the years, and he is not going to be taken in by me, for sure, and in general as well. But of course her game is to play one poster against another and now it seems, politically, she has not problem with one american against another.