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Old 06-02-2017, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How Michael Bloomberg is defying Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accords | The Times of Israel

Way for some people to take a stand for our future generations rather than for Donald Trump's bank balance.
Way to go, Mikie! Invest millions to other countries, but screw over his own people. At least Trump saved the taxpayer a couple trillion bucks and did not change anything regarding the Paris agreement, other than what was promised to them in form of funding. Better for you libtards to read a bit more and see what this has done FOR us, instead of saying that since Trump was involved it must be bad. China and India, the worse offenders were given a pass to continue to pollute the world for a couple decades unhindered, and yet we were supposed to be on the honor system and abide by someone else's idea for us? ON top of that, we are the leaders in reducing carbon emissions. We can still be vigilant without having to pay others.

Thank you, President Trump. Bloomie is an idiot, period. Take your big gulp, Mickie and stick it up there with the stick you seem to have protruding out your posterior.