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Old 06-06-2017, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Sandtrap328 View Post
I have been reading and posting on this forum for a few years and it started out good.

Topics would be political and they would be discussed with vigor. It was give and take.

Now, the forum is very few regular posters who actually want to discuss and the majority of posters who just want to spout off insults, intimidate other posters, or just insult posters, political figures, or entire races.

It used to be a fairly intelligent group but now almost all that is gone.

What happened and why?
What happened was those of us who like to debate decided it is not worth arguing with a bunch of masterdebators. We all know who they are...I use my time now for more productive things, like playing backgammon online...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. The political forum isn't going to change because the same people are allowed to rant non-stop about the same topics. I mean, seriously, I think the horse is dead already. Stop the beatings...

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