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Old 06-13-2017, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It seems that you fear becoming a minority, perhaps it is because you fear that the new majority groups will treat YOU as you have treated them. A very interesting statistic coming from all the colleges and universities in North America shows that degrees (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and pHD's) have INCREASED in all "minority" groups where they have DECREASED significantly in whites. Perhaps you should be afraid........
Of course I fear whites becoming the minority...we're what hold this country...this civilization together. Do you think the new majority will provide welfare for half the white population? Do you think we'll get preferential treatment and quotas? Do you think there will be entire divisions in businesses just to look out for white people's rights? They will treat us like they treat each other...or worse. You're literally letting the inmates run the asylum.

Because they're pushed into school with lowered standards, quotas, courses of study a chimp could pass, free money to attend, they're given EVERY advantage. There's over a $ trillion in outstanding student loans. Much of it given to minorities to be wasted.

America's demographics IS changing...we're at 50:50 now...and becoming a minority majority.

I am VERY afraid for America's future...for the future of the white race. We ARE being bred out.