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Old 06-13-2017, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Poster whomever you are thank you for an intelligent response.

It was an intentional abridgement of this post on my part to spare the reader time and to provide opportunity for others to join in on this conservation.

We can all speak to equal rights, etc but the point to be made here is a simple one. Unelected officials are running this nation. Or in other words citizens votes mean nothing.
Please elaborate on what unelected officials are "running this nation". Apparently when 49% of the electorate decide not to vote, the 25% wins elections.

Originally Posted by Guest
I made mention of the campus rape issue because it is a prime example of where this Administrative State stripped citizens of their due process rights. There are a plethora of examples of the abuses made at the hands of this bureaucracy in every administration.
I suggest you read about Title IX, since it does NOTHING to strip due process rights from individuals, rather is a parallel civil procedure to enact rights for victims.
Why schools handle sexual violence reports - Know Your IX

Originally Posted by Guest
This Administrative State has devised in effect a Star Chamber ( ie the king's perogative) . Its a dangerous situation and it has to be stopped.
Assuming there is this "administrative state" or "star chamber", in your mind, perhaps other aluminum headgear would be better at tuning into those conspiracy theories.

Originally Posted by Guest
I fault Congress for a lot of this because they are allowing these federal agencies to ursurp their authority.
Since Congress delegated the authority to have the federal agencies operate, they also have a system (GAO) of investigating any management problems, cost overruns, fraud, and any other untoward activity of the, exactly what agencies, at what times usurped their authority? Verifiable factual information would be most appreciated since this charge is very significant, and cannot be just thrown against the wall to see what sticks.

Originally Posted by Guest
I understand how the judicial system works. The point is that the Supreme Court with the exception of Anton Scalia ( God rest his soul) legislates from the bench. that is not their right or duty. I believe social issues ought to be left to the individual states
. Just what has SCOTUS legislated from the bench? It is literally impossible because they only react to laws that have been challenged. Just what social issues should be handled by the States? Are you suggesting that certain "rights" be only granted in those States where their legislature has granted those rights? Isn't it in the Constitution that all citizens enjoy the same rights, no matter what State they live in or visit?

Originally Posted by Guest
I am approaching this issue from an non-partisan view.

This Administrative State could take over this nation and its citizens would even notice.
It is evident that you are NOT approaching these issues from a non-partisan view. Perhaps you do not agree with: The Necessity of The purpose of our Federal Government, as found in the Preamble of the Constitution, is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Originally Posted by Guest
Finally you appear to be defensive as to the issue of Administrative Law. Let me again be clear I am speaking to the issue of abuse and manipulation of the Administrative State and its legal procedures. One cannot be judge, jury and executioner in this REPUBLIC.

Personal Best Regards:
Actually, I am in defense of our Constitutional Republic, where there are laws that are supposed to guarantee our rights, including the right of due process (which means that there cannot be a unilateral judge, jury, and executioner).