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Old 06-14-2017, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Here is a truism the liberals solutions to every government failure is more government. So the concept of the Administrative State
( Regulatory State, Deep State) is not even noticed by them and hence not a concern and actually has the appearance of the natural order of things.

Set aside the 2-4 year ritual of elections because it isn't who was elected but who is really running things. Government by unelected experts is not all that different that the royal prerogatives of monarchies .

Essentially by volume and complexity and through edicts, fiats, regulations, policies, etc issued by federal agencies far exceeds those of Congress.

This has allowed the government to choose to proceed against a citizen within the constitutional process or to choose an administrative proceeding where a citizen not have the right to be heard by a real judge and jury and thus you are not afforded the full due process of law

Look at the libertines Lois Leaner believed she was so entitled.

Look at the 1984 sounding EPA Scientific Integrity Office which also takes libertines in deciding what is settled science.

Research the abuses of Title IX start with Lara Kipnis book Unwanted Advances which features the Cho v Ludlow sexual assault case .

To ensure clarity let me underscore that the one and only point I am making is that as the Federal Administrative State grows in size and power the greater the risk we will lose our inalienable rights.

Personal Best Regards:
Whites will lose their inalienable rights as the minority majority grows...

We're already asked to stay away...stay the minorities can be free of us.