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Old 06-15-2017, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And just who allowed him to have a Assault weapon. Just like Gabby Gifford, 6 killed 13 injured. Many more, the worst, Sandy Hook 20 children. Nothing done!

Yet you still don't want sensible gun control. Yah, blame the democrats. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
The bad guys are armed and we heard the governor of a large state saying TERRIBLY inaccurate things yesterday. 93 million people die every day from guns??????

The main stream media, every last man jack of them, has abandoned ethical journalism and so we are subjected daily, all of us, to propaganda that some accept as Gospel and others are inflamed by.

Some people read and want to take action; marching, burning, breaking windows and shooting and the others do what they have always done, standing firm, trying to reason. The president is adding to it with his constant inappropriate reactions and misinterpretations and his inability to communicate.

The last President swung the pendulum too far to the left and this president doesn't know when to shut up.

I am sick at heart and worried to death.