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Old 06-15-2017, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why don't you ask your butt-buddy he's made a plethora of posts calling for Hillary's death.

Oh wait, that's right, being flaming, low class hypocrites/liars that you and your ilk usually are...y'all would never think of doing that.

But to answer your question, no decent person would advocate, or wish, that another human die or be killed...because of their politics/gender/religion/ethnicity/etc.

That is supposed to be what separates us...from other life forms on this rock.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Other than the terrorists and scumbag criminals, I have never advocated the violent, unlawful deaths of anyone. But, you are a Troll and your job is to stir up trouble. Show me where I advocated for the violent, unlawful death of Hillary. Not that anyone would miss her. But, as always you enjoy stirring the pot, like the coward sissy you are. Then again, you are protected like all liberals. You are a needy bunch that would not exist if not for the charity of the conservatives that remain civil, even when pukes like Schumer, Clinton, Pelosi, etc. run their mouths like spoiled children protected by their mothers.

Anytime you wish to have a civil discussion on the Political Forum, I welcome it. Even though, I doubt that will ever happen. And any time you wish to disparage the President of the United States, I will be there to put you in your place, back under the rock where you live.

You liberals cry about the big meanies on the right, and yet make excuses for the violence that YOU and your liberal Celebrities encourage. Well, Trump got down in the gutter with your side and fought a lone battle and won against the odds, at your own game. Don't cry when the right starts fighting back in kind, also. And if the Republicans in congress don't start fighting the bullying tactics of the left, I'll be changing my registration to Independent. I'll never vote for a liberal, but the GOP will not have my support, if they do not grow a pair and start putting their foot down.

But, back to you lil' Can't No More, quit your crying and go play with the other sissies on the classified section or complain about the gates, or speed bumps. You are not discussing political issues. You are a TROLL that does not belong in the Villages.

Please threaten to put me on your ignore list. I get a real laugh when someone threatens to do that.