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Old 06-15-2017, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My belief is that up until the Republican primaries of 2016, politics was "rough and tumble" as the expression goes, but the hatred generated during that primary and subsequent election process should trouble all americans.

It is becoming the norm to simply attack and destroy personally those who oppose you. THAT is not normal.

You trolls can save your breath....

YES, I blame the Trump campaign and the Republican party for giving up morals totally.

YES, I do criticize the President and will continue to do so but never without backing it up with facts. I consider the destruction of our Presidency to be THE ISSUE facing this country.

It would be great if the other issues could be discussed but in my opinion, this terrible incident is simply an outgrowth and it is now becoming the norm and I am speaking of both sides of the aisle.

To me, the BIGGEST ISSUE IS OUR PRESIDENCY and its destruction.

I wish nothing but speedy recoveries for all those injured and hope someday THE ISSUE is addressed by someone in the Parties. The oft blasted media has tried but is shrugged off as FAKE NEWS.

What is happening in the White House and what happened during the primary and election is very very far from normal and is not simply a method of sending a message to elected officials.
Really? An ultra left wing Bernie Sanders supporter shoots Republicans and you blame the president. That is such an incredible stretch that it's hard to believe.

What caused this guy to do this is the hate being spewed by the left against our president. People who are not all that mentally fit, to begin with, take the rhetoric of our politicians to heart. They actually believe the nonsense tossed out there by the agitators on both sides. But this guy was listening to the extreme left wing of the Democratic party. This had nothing to do with anything the president said or did or anything to do with the 2016 primary.

I agree, the hate from both sides has to stop but this guy was influenced by the hate coming from the left.