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Old 06-22-2017, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by (unt
Really, you're not even smart enough to understand... something this simple?

Since I empathize with those who are truly mentally handicapped, let me point you to the second paragraph...which sums it up.

In other words, Sanders tried numerous times to ask Vought if he would follow the COTUS and laws instead of his religious beliefs and Vought refused to give an answer...every single time.

Not that it was really needed, since his religious ramblings to Sander's questions...were in fact his answer(s).

Is it still over your head?

I'll try to be more succinct.

'Everyone in this great country are allowed to worship, or not, in any matter they so choose.'

'What is NOT allowed, is to try and force those beliefs on other American citizens.'

Is that better?

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Oh, you are the lady that talks differently to those she believes are mentally inclusive, so nice.

As for what Crazy Bernie was "trying" to do "numerous times" had nothing to do with following COTUS, it was all about an attempt to embarrass a guy for his religious beliefs. I can see that, and I am not "handicapped", nor religious...