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Old 06-25-2017, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I can only speak from personal experience regarding jobs. Under the Obama Presidency my husband and son both lost their jobs due to cutbacks. Shortly after that, my hours of employment were reduced by 2/3rds. I also have family members in the manufacturing industry who hadn't been able to find decent work in years. As of this year, all of us are fully employed and job opportunities have been plentiful in all of our respective fields. So do I think President Trump is the greatest job President ever - you betcha!
I'm sorry, but when I read something this naive...I can't help but laugh.

Either you are totally oblivious to what the 'Great Recession' was and that it started under Bush...or you're just lying to yourself.

Whichever it still made me chuckle.

Deepest Sincere Wishes: