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Old 06-26-2017, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Moderators are doing a good job on the Regular Boards were harassment and stalking of people is not allowed. They are doing a terrible job on the Political Forum where personal attacks on other posters abound and where harassment-- often in a gang like manner-- thrives because they are not banning people who repeatedly annoy, pester, anger, hurt other posters in a very deliberative way. This is against the law in Florida. It is also negligent if some harm comes from cyber harassers being allowed to run rampant with no controls on them.

As you can see one of the worst offenders of this online harassment is Allegiance.

If he puts posts of any kind that look like harassment on the Regular Boards. COMPLAIN.
There are many links out there about online stalking. Welcome To The State Attorney’s Office, 18th Judicial Circuit:

Stalking is defined in the State of Florida as "willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following, harassing or cyberstalking" another. Stalking behaviors can consist of many things-actual physical following of a person, continuously calling or texting, e-mailing, leaving notes or sending letters, leaving or sending objects or "gifts"...essentially, a pattern of unwanted behavior with malicious intent. Stalking involves a pattern of behavior that causes substantial emotional distress to a specific person with no legitimate purpose.