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Old 06-26-2017, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You addressed the right person. Graciegirl has her own little place where these punks, and they are punks where these folks go.

They are, if not have, ruined this place. I hope they enjoy their time sharing.

They still support the single most despicable person to ever set foot in OUR WHITE HOUSE, and each day that goes by where we need to hear from this person, about HIM instead of addressing health care, taxes, etc. He is trying to establish his own false narrative, the the flock will follow.

To your note to,Gracie.....this forum is destroyed by her friends and allies, NOT BECAUSE they support Trump, but the manner that they DO NOT SUPPORT but attack any American citizen not on their team. At least they can gather together, proclaim their wonderfullness and demean millions and millions of Americans who worry about LYING AND DECEIT. THEY will learn eventually, once they stop talking about the election and begin to care about the Unites States of America.
The most disgraceful was Obama. It showed the stupidity of the American voters.

the most despicable? That would be Lincoln. He destroyed "America" and all it ststood for. He turned a collection of independent states, sovereign states...into "America" the empire.