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Old 06-26-2017, 04:28 PM
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Default Renting

Originally Posted by Scooter777 View Post
I haven't looked at some of the replies on this string recently (I got SO many responses!) and see you answered one of the biggest questions we had! Wondering if it's cheaper to store the furniture and rent a furnished villa or move our furniture into an unfurnished and move again when we find something to buy. Definitely think we'll do the two-move option because we can even keep the rental a bit longer and move some things ourselves. That way the local mover doesn't have as much to move either! Thru is post/string even got referrals to good local movers. We are VERY excited, thanks for your helpful response on storage expenses!!!
We were 100% positive we wanted a CYV because of our dogs. I flew down to purchase a CYV in Mission Hills. None were available and I needed a month to month rental ASAP because our home in NJ was closing in 5 weeks. Most of the month to month rentals were furnished. We did not bring much furniture. What we shipped down went into storage along with all of our household items. I don't remember the breakdowns of costs but our moving bill was around $7500. The amount included the moving company doing all of the packing. In the end I am very happy that I did not find a CYV when I flew down. After living in our rental I found the villa to be claustrophobic. Only one window did not face a wall. We purchased a designer and it worked out better for us.