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Old 07-03-2017, 08:30 AM
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Originally Posted by mellincf View Post
Trump just gave billions to Saudi Arabia, ground zero for terrorists. Bin Laden was a Saudi. 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. The Saudis are Sunni Muslim, which is what ISIS is, and ISIS gets all their leaders from Saudi. Meanwhile, When the Shah of Iran ran to the USA to hide out from the revolution during the Carter administration, we seized all Iran’s money and kept it. We released that money back to them because Iran wants to make billions selling us their oil. The Koch brothers (Canadian Keystone XL pipeline) want to control US oil and stop Iran from keeping prices low. How cheap is your gas now? So who are the terrorists? Not Iran, they've never invaded another country in their entire history.
Gave billions...? Duh.

That is called US jobs