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Old 07-04-2017, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's start about what 40 years ago. How many kids grew up in single family homes and what % were of which race? Today many blacks are raised in single mother homes with no father image. Dads make a big difference. I do not think I need to tell anyone around the Villages the truth of that fact. Yes, my dad tanned my hide more than once and in the end I never wanted to do anything to disappoint him. Now my son has three boys of his own and seeing him raise those kids is a joy. Read about David Clarke you know America's sheriff. In his book he tells how he raised a fist to a passing cop car and it stopped. The cops got out and walked up toward the house when his dad came out and ask what the problem was. The cops explained and his dad said he would deal with it. The comment Clarke made next sort of stuck in my mind. In effect he wanted to chase down the cops and have them throw him in jail rather than face the wrath of his dad. We don't see that today. When my son and I got into it, I told him if he didn't like my rules he could live with his mom, he never took me up on that. Here in is the problems, dads held us accountable for our actions they were the ones who were the disciplinarians. They spanked us more often than our moms. Now the black community and particularly the welfare black live in a culture that has no father image. As a result we are seeing what that does to a culture. There is no one to hold anyone responsible and the mere idea that we should be personally responsible is a foreign concept to most. It is not so much the race as the lack of discipline that we as a society have through our gov't programs have encouraged.
It IS the race...they are NOT us...they ARE a different species.

Originally Posted by Guest
I can appreciate your story, but unless you were brought up in a BLACK family, in a BLACK neighborhood, where, if you were caught by police in a WHITE neighborhood and subjected time after time with being stopped, questioned, and even arrested, you don't have any background in which to speak of the BLACK experience. Most of us whites don't believe that there is a difference in how we are raised, but we NEVER had to put up with indiscriminate police action, we never had to put up with ANY discrimination in jobs, housing, education, and just plain living. Do yourself a favor, and either go into a BLACK community and open your eyes to their dealing with economic and racial discrimination, or please, keep your history to just does NOT apply to the BLACK experience.
ONLY white men lose to quotas.

I HAVE gone into the black community...what I've noticed's DIRTY and it's DANGEROUS. Half are unemployed and collecting welfare...WHY CAN'T THEY CLEAN UP? WHY is it always so dirty?

WHY is there NO place like the villages that is 99% black...ANYWHERE in the world? Why is there NO top school that is black? WHY are blacks ALWAYS at the very bottom socially and economically NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE? In EVERY country, in EVERY culture...blacks are the VERY BOTTOM.

Why? Because they ARE a different species and they'll NEVER be our equal.