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Old 07-04-2017, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's see.....we have a trade DEFICIT, which means that we buy from other countries more than we sell to them.....
The world actually respected Obama, and now they look at Trump as a real joke, but the joke may be on us, because NOW the rest of the world can look at what they sell to us, and because of Trump's threats to tariff imports, most everything will cost US in the USA MORE. Just look at what he did regarding soft wood products from Canada.......

That can very well be the beginning.....

Thanks again for the support of a mindless president.
I get so tired of the comments about how loved and respected Obama was. In my travels overseas during those years, that is not what I heard at all. They thought he was a joke. In fact, people would tread very carefully at first, asking me what I thought of him. When they found out I was not a supporter, they unloaded. I found in my travels (this was Europe) that most loved the USA, but Obama - not so much. What I gathered was that most want a strong America, not a weak one. A strong America benefits all, not just us.

Btw, a Happy 4th to all!