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Old 07-04-2017, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Ok, first off lets put the mental illness evaluation to rest. Mental illness is a judgement call. A person suffering from grief is considered to be suffering from a form of mental illness. That does not make them dangerous. The mental illness idea is just a ploy to slow down issuance of permits. And permits are only good for those that abide by some state or federal law. Many guns are passed down in families or even just sold at yard sales, garage sales etc. Background checks are not performed. At gun shows, background checks are done. At least all the gun shows I have been to. To be deemed mentally ill, you have to have someone make a judgement call. How many shootings do you suppose have been done by the mentally ill? Or, someone that would have been deemed mentally ill when he purchased the weapon? The mental illness ploy is just a facade to hinder gun sales, that's all.

Now, on the other hand, take this into consideration. I am going to make a bold statement that is sure to produce an argument. Most-MOST shootings are enabled by GUN CONTROL LAWS. Yep, if you look at the crime scenes, other than drive by shootings and gang related shootings, almost all shootings are done where there is gun control. Schools, bars, work place, movie theaters, college campus, etc. All places where guns are forbidden. Mass shootings could have been limited IF there were less gun controls in those areas, and someone could have hindered the shooter from a large death toll. Gun Control is the reason for many deaths. AND to go back to drive by shootings, most are in cities where there is strict gun control, such as Chicago, D.C. and NYC. Many drug related shootings are related to felons that illegally own firearms.

You can argue statistics all you wish, like how there are accidental shootings and suicide shootings. Yep, they happen. That's life.

Agreed. Gun free zones are advertisements for locations of those who may become sitting ducks in a bad situation.

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