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Old 07-07-2017, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Donald John Trump was basically a celebrity for years as was Ronald Reagan. This also fits many politicians as well who did well first somewhere else like John Glenn, Sony Bono, Al Franken, etc.

U.S. Senator Bill Nelson | Serving Florida

Bill Nelson - Wikipedia
Something you didn't mention...ACTORS...they're actors. Every one of them acted. WAKE UP PEOPLE...your government is full of actors convincing you of one thing, while they do the other. They're there for power, wealth, and prestige...that is ALL. And they ALL work for the "system" the "system" is the VERY wealthy and powerful who own/direct the big corporations. Government is the liaison between the wealthy and your tax dollars. Through government, the corporations make a KILLING. You can call it "corporate welfare", it's the wealthy getting wealthier off of your labor. "Money" is made up "credit", re-payed through your labor.

We're all "slaves" we just live in really nice thankful. Try not paying your taxes and see how long you stay "free".

Interesting about John Glenn:

"A Freemason, Glenn was a member of Concord Lodge #688 in New Concord, Ohio. He received all of his degrees in full in a Mason at Sight ceremony from the Grand Master of Ohio in 1978, 14 years after petitioning his lodge. In 1998, Glenn became a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Cincinnati (NMJ); the following year, he received the 33rd degree of the Scottish rite."

He was a performer if not officially an actor.