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Old 07-09-2017, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Just want to support your thinking and your post.

There are folks on here, like the poster you reply to, who will support anything and everything that Trump says.

Someday, we will wake up and find with Trump, our debt is greater, our security is less, and it is all about federal control.

Steve Bannon is running the country, and his wish is to rip it apart first, and begin with the media, for example.

The poster to whom you reply is most assuredly going to agree with Trump on any conspiracy theory that Bannon feeds him.

Just know I support what you say about this sham of a commission. A commission that is supported only because those Trump followers will do and say what he wants, no matter the total and complete lack of facts.

Still waiting for these folks to supply the lies from the media. Still waiting for them to ever condemn Russian attempts to sway our election. They are tuned in to only defending Trump, no matter the hypocrisy, as in this commission, involved.

I am willing to give Trump a chance, but he is flying in the face of conservatism thought AND patriotism.
Millions did the same for probably supported Obama as fervently.

The debt is expanding exponentially...there is no good that will come from it.

Originally Posted by Guest
A deflection away from the theme of this thread......but it is interesting that the largest departments of the Federal Government were started by Republican administrations and Congress, the most regulations were enacted by Republican administrations, the highest increases in national debt were overseen by Republican administrations, the highest unemployment numbers were during Republican administrations.......

Evidently, there is a very real disconnect between Republican rhetoric and reality; and now, that disconnect is becoming very apparent.

So why, then, does a Republican administration actually want names, addresses, last 4 numbers of people's social security numbers to investigate voter fraud? It has been argued that voter fraud which has only 2 components: personal multiple voting, and mailed ballot fraud.

Sensationalist claims have circulated this election season about the extent of voter fraud, with some politicians going so far as to tell voters to fear that this November’s election will be “rigged.” Because electoral integrity is one of the elements necessary to making America the greatest democracy in the world, claims like this garner media attention, and frighten and concern voters.

The Brennan Center’s seminal report on this issue, The Truth About Voter Fraud, found that most reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent.Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth | Brennan Center for Justice

Yes, there have been cases of voter fraud, but the minuscule number of cases lends to the question: Why does a Republican administration appoint a committee to investigate voter fraud, when there have been so few cases that are documented?

One can speculate that there are other intentions, and in an atmosphere charged with actions that suggest voter suppression, and manipulation of voter opinion by targeted trolling by foreign nationals and governments, there should be a truly rock solid reason, backed by verifiable statistics, to assume that this voter commission is actually in America's best interest.
Huh? Obama doubled it, he added almost $10 trillion. Obama added MORE debt than ALL the previous 43 before him. You liberals really don't have a grasp on reality.

The "fraud" in voting is that the ONLY two candidates we get to choose from...BOTH work for the "system". The two party political system. The government is OWNED by the rich and powerful. Government make people wealthy...and powerful....psychopaths/sociopaths thrive on it/in it.

It's all fixed and you can't change it.